Vent’anni fa, l’Associazione Nazionale Alberghi Diffusi nasceva per far conoscere e promuovere l’Albergo Diffuso, un’idea rivoluzionaria di ospitalità: un “albergo che non si vede”, e un borgo che diventa esso stesso accoglienza. Oggi, l’AD è una realtà consolidata, riconosciuta a livello internazionale, capace di offrire ospitalità sostenibile, valorizzare il territorio e contrastare lo spopolamento. In […]
Maggiori infoWelcome to the Alberghi Diffusi Official Website
Alberghi Diffusi National Association welcomes you on our new official website, where you can find all the information you need about the Albergo Diffuso concept, from its definition as a “made in Italy” innovative hospitality model to the news about the ADI association, browsing among the different hotels that took part in the initiative.
Starting today the webpages about the Alberghi Diffusi feature new sections, including “Location Storytellers” where the soul of that particular Albergo Diffuso is represented by its hotelier, guiding you through the territory like no one else can.
The Albergo Diffuso is a recent concept in Italy and Europe, tracing back to the idea of using restored houses for tourism with the funds allotted after the earthquake in Friuli region (1976). This hospitality model was developed by tourism marketing professor Giancarlo Dall’Ara. It was then formally acknowledged in Sardinia with a specific regulation in 1998.
The continuous diffusion of “albergo diffuso” is due to the growing concern about sustainability and respect for the environment in the travel industry.
In reference to the wider concept of “Scattered Hospitality”, the natural location of an “albergo diffuso” can be found in little historical towns or countryside and mountain villages. In the case of peculiar locations, different types of hotels are also associated.
(source: Lombardy Region Guidelines for the implementation of the regional regulation on hotel classification)